Blog Article

Comparing current and required performance

When analysing performance, it is important to carry out an objective measurement.

Typically businesses use metrics to signpost whether they will achieve business results. You will no doubt have measures such as these, in your own organisation. For example, your sales team might measure pipeline size, value or mix to determine the expected revenue. Metrics are therefore indicators of current performance, compared to that required

  • Your analysis of activity and the Qual/Quan mix will help you form a view of your coachee’s working practice.
  • You can then determine whether their efforts are likely to be sufficiently close to the required standard by checking whether your team are likely to achieve their KPIs.
  • If they are, it is a good indicator that they will meet business targets. If not, you will need to examine the gaps in knowledge, skill and/or behavior that require your attention to close the gap.


Business Impact

 Results | Metrics


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Up Arrow What impact has my coachee’s working practice had on our results?


Working Practice



 How much activity is the coachee undertaking?


 How well is my coachee completing their activities?



Author: Fullbrook, Heslop, Morden and Sellwood. Prosell Australia




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