Blog Article

4 Principles of Performance Improvement

Whenever undertaking performance improvement, managers need to keep four key principles in mind.  These principles can be easily remembered by the mnemonic CASH:

Consequence – unless there are consequences for non-performance there will be no motivation to change.

Attitude – unless people are prepared to accept their role in their own development they will not get involved.  Additionally, if performance improvement has traditionally meant a quick road to dismissal then they may be nervous or intimidated by the manager’s desire to “discuss performance”.

Self Discovery – people will rarely improve their performance if they are ‘told’ what needs to change.  They need to ‘own’ any areas of improvement.

Honesty – people need to be honest about both their strengths and weaknesses if they are to improve.  Sometimes they will be ‘blind’ to both and will need help in ‘seeing’.

Prosell offers a program that combines sales training and sales coaching.  It is based on recognised research, which tells us that training alone has limited impact and that when supported by skilful coaching, has 74% more chance of being implemented.


  • Prosell offers a program that combines sales training and sales coaching.  It is based on recognised research, which tells us that training alone has limited impact and that when supported by skilful coaching, has 74% more chance of being implemented.
  • Prosell has resources to deliver these programs across Australia, covering Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide and Canberra.







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Prosell provides customised training, coaching, and program choices that cater to teams with expertise in sales, retail, corporate, call centres, and customer service. These options are specifically designed to meet the needs of clients and are accessible in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, and Canberra, New Zealand, and the Asia Pacific area.

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119 Willoughby Rd Crows Nest

Sydney NSW 2065 Australia

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